In an apocalyptic future, the ecologically unstable Earth is governed by repressive police forces of the Jovian Detention Authority. The opposition forces of the Sprawlers, with their unconventional weapons, must fight for freedom.
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Dark Reign 2 Description
In the apocalyptic future of Dark Reign 2, an ecologically unstable Earth has found itself under the repressive police government of the Jovian Detention Authority. Commanded by the earthly elite, who at all costs do not want to lose their position, the JDA pacifies the population living in a toxic, radioactive world outside the cities. Among the repressed population, a resistance movement called Sprawlers is being formed, using unconventional technologies and weapons to oppose the JDA in the final chapter of the drama facing the entire Earth. The battles take place on the ground, on land and in the air, and the player can choose the side of the conflict with 20 missions to complete.
Dark Reign II has full 3D graphics using Intel MRM (multi-resolution mesh) technology that optimizes the game in terms of CPU power. The Team Management Interface allows you to group and set up units and control them throughout the map. You can also manage your buildings from anywhere. Three-dimensional combat scenarios offer gameplay in a variety of conditions, both day and night, as well as in extreme weather. Multiplayer options allow you to play online in collaboration, team or alliance modes. Repeat mode saves battles, which can be later played back and analyzed or sent to a friend over the network.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Dark Reign 2 Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Pandemic Studios
Publisher: Activision Blizzard
Age restrictions: 12+
Dark Reign 2 System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium II 266MHz, 64MB RAM, graphic card