Star Trek (1981)

Star Trek (1981)


Release Date: November 30, 1981

Strategy, science fiction, turn-based, Star Trek, text, singleplayer

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A strategic text game in which the player's task is to defeat a certain number of Clingo ships and prevent them from attacking the command center of the Federation. This is one of the first games released on IBM PCs.

Star Trek is one of the first computer games set in the universe of the cult science fiction series and one of the first games available for IBM PC personal computers. The original version of the title appeared in 1971 on SDS Sigma 7 computers and was created in BASIC language by someone called Mike Mayfield. The DOS version was one of many adaptations of the original production and was distributed as Freeware / Public Domain.

The action of the game is set in the year 2127. The player plays the role of captain of USS Enterprise, and his task is to destroy a certain number of Klingons' ships and prevent them from attacking the command center of the Federation. The game takes place in a randomly generated galaxy of 64 sectors. The mission time, the number of enemies to be destroyed and the number of bases in which we can replenish supplies is also a random element. At the end of the mission, the player's performance is assessed according to the damage suffered by the ship they command.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Star Trek (1981) Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: David H. Ahl

Age restrictions: none

Star Trek (1981) System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Minimum: 8086/8088, DOS 1.0