During the scout camp in Olobok Zdrój, a terrible accident happened. Here's Luiza, as a result of inattentive exploration of an old, rusty tank, got stuck inside and can't get out. Our hero's task is to hurry up a friendly girl to the rescue and find a way to get her out of this cruel trap.
Skaut Kwatermaster Description
During the scout camp in Olobok Zdroj, a terrible accident happened. Here's Luiza, as a result of inattentive exploration of an old, rusty tank, got stuck inside and can't get out. Our hero's task is to hurry up a nice girl to the rescue and find a way to get her out of this cruel trap.
The Kwatermaster Scout is a Polish adventure game that brings associations with LucasArts products, especially with one - Day of the Tentacle. Authors "borrowed (not to say ugly) both the character of the main character, who is a slightly modified copy of Bernard, as well as the general style of drawing the location, full of bent buildings and abstract forms. Also, the interface is similar to what we could see in the Monkey Island series, although it has been reduced to six commands compared to it. Like the Villages, another LK Avalon adventure from that period, to the player's convenience, a map of the area was introduced, allowing for quick and painless movement between different locations.
Program, which, as you can see above, uses the best technical standards, unfortunately, completely disappointed in terms of playability. The scenario is very uneven and sometimes even illogical, and the idiotic use of some objects is also striking. However, the biggest ailment of the game is the clumsy, almost cemetery atmosphere. In Skaut Kwatermaster there are practically no events unrelated to our hero, static backgrounds are bewildering with monotony and the characters you can talk to can be counted on both hands' fingers. The good jokes that appear from time to time are not able to reduce the atmosphere of depression, which is exacerbated by the faint colors.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Skaut Kwatermaster Summary
PC / Windows