The next installment of the popular survival horror series. Ryukishi07 is responsible for its script, while production was handled by NeoBards Entertainment studio. Silent Hill F is the first game in the series, set in Japan.
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[2:13] Silent Hill F teaser #1
Silent Hill F Description
Silent Hill F is the next installment in Konami's cult survival horror series. The script for the game was handled by Ryukishi07 - the creator of well-received visual novels, whose recognition was ensured primarily by the When They Cry series. Responsible for the design of characters and creatures is kera - an illustrator with several years of experience, having worked on such games as Lord of Vermillion, Spirit Hunter and Last Chronicle.
The game was developed by NeoBards Entertainment, which so far has worked on two games from the equally popular survival series - Resident Evil: Resistance and Resident Evil Re:Verse. The producer of Silent Hill F is also former Nintendo employee Motoi Okamoto.
The events presented in this installment are set in the 1960s. Significantly, this is the first game in the series to move the story to another continent. We no longer follow the fate of the protagonists, struggling with their own demons in the deserted cities of the United States. This time we follow the footsteps of characters residing in Japan.
in Silent Hill Game Series
Game Series
Silent Hill Series
Silent Hill is a series of action adventure games of the survival horror genre, which is one of the most popular brands of Konami - a Japanese manufacturer and publisher, also responsible for the creation of such series as Metal Gear, Pro Evolution Soccer (currently eFootball) or Castlevania. The original title was released in 1999 for Sony consoles. On January 31 the game was released in the US, while on March 4 it was released in Japan and on August 1 in Europe.
20 video games
Silent Hill F Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: NeoBards Entertainment
Publisher: Konami
Age restrictions: 18+
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video games
Agnes Adamus
October 20, 2022