Supreme Ruler Video Game Series
Supreme Ruler Series Evolution
Supreme Ruler Ultimate
Supreme Ruler 1936
Supreme Ruler Cold War
Supreme Ruler 2020
Supreme Ruler 2010

Supreme Ruler: The Great War
August 1, 2017
The next installment in a series of RTS games developed by the Canadian studio BattleGoat. In this game, the player is required to manage an entire country. The game is set in the World War I period, so the player begins in 1914 and is capable of leading their country through the next hundred years. The mechanics employed in the game were based on the fundamentals of the preceding titles; as a result, the game approaches the subject of managing a country in a holistic manner. Apart from fighting wars and commanding one's forces during battles, the player needs to develop the economy, take care of trade-related issues, or conduct both diplomacy and espionage. Similar to the previous installments of the series, Supreme Ruler: The Great War simulates the so-called "butterfly effect", so all the player-made decisions sooner or later result in adequate reactions by artificial intelligences in control of the remaining countries. The game offers both a single-player experience and a multiplayer variant (for up to 16 players).

Supreme Ruler Ultimate
October 17, 2014
Special cross-edition of the popular strategy series, created by the Battlegoat studio on the basis of their own production from 1982. The game combines four previously released instalments of the series, the action of which stretches from the late 1930s to the near future. During the game, we take control over a chosen nation and our goal is to lead it to world domination, taking care of such aspects of the state's functioning as government, diplomacy, economics, trade, espionage and weaponry.

Supreme Ruler 1936
May 12, 2014
Supreme Ruler 1936 is a strategy game developed by Battlegoat team. It allows you to lead one of the countries during World War II and in the few years preceding the conflict. The production offers extensive gameplay mechanisms and a high level of realism.

Supreme Ruler Cold War
July 19, 2011
Supreme Ruler Cold War is another part of a series of strategy games prepared by Battlegoat Studios. This time the action takes us back to the times of the Cold War, when the world, observing the tension between the two powers at that time - the USA and the USSR - faced another armed conflict on a global scale.

Supreme Ruler 2020
June 17, 2008
Supreme Ruler 2020 is another part of an extensive strategy game developed by Battlegoat Studios. Like our predecessor, production allows us to move into a chaotic world in the near future.
- Supreme Ruler 2020: Global Crisis December 15, 2008

Supreme Ruler 2010
May 17, 2005
Supreme Ruler 2010 is a war strategy enriched with elements of economic simulation, for which the Battlegoat Studios development team is responsible. The action of the game has been set in the near future. The player leads the international organization "World Market", trying to maintain peace between conflicting states.