Sango Fighter is a classic two-dimensional murder, almost from the very beginning evoking associations with the famous Street Fighter 2. The player will play one of the five Chinese warriors who will embark on a dangerous journey to overthrow Emperor Tsau Tsau.
All warriors, in addition to a set of basic blows also have their own special attacks. It is obvious that they take up much more of the enemy's vitality, as long as they can be properly executed and hit. In Sango Fighter you will find two types of energy. In addition to the standard, illustrating the level of vitality of warriors, we will also find a meditation bar, which can be filled by retreating backwards. If it reaches its maximum value, all our attacks will be twice as powerful.
Sango Fighter looks decent from the visual side. Animated backgrounds, large warriors and the appearance of special punches are reminiscent of what we saw in Street Fighter 2. Music and sound effects are also very successful. Generally, the Panda Entertainment product is an interesting alternative for traditional murderous fans, which should be of interest mainly due to several original solutions.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
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Sango Fighter Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Panda Entertainment
Publisher: Panda Entertainment
Age restrictions: 16+