The second installment in the mobile series of racing games developed by studio Brownmonster, a developer experienced in the genre. Rush Rally 2 allows the players to participate in various rallies that take place on more than 70 varied tracks in seven countries of the world. The title has a slightly more realistic driving model than most other mobile games.
Videos and Screens
[0:32] Rush Rally 2 trailer #1
Rush Rally 2 Description
Rush Rally 2 for AND and iOS is a racing game developed by Brownmonster Limited, studio that co-created Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and PSP version of Split/Second. This means that the team is experienced in creating driving games.
The title is a mobile rally simulator that allows the player to participate in various competitions that take place in seven countries. There are more than seventy different tracks in the game that are different not only in their shape, but also in the surface and weather conditions. This all impact how the car is controlled – it behaves differently on asphalt and differently on snow or during rain. Vehicles can be upgraded in order to improve their performance. The developers created Rush Rally 2 for AND and iOS with touch screens in mind, but additional virtual buttons can be freely set in order to personalize the interface.
Game modes
Rush Rally 2 for AND and iOS allows not only playing against AI but against other players as well. However, one doesn’t face them directly but he races against their ‘ghosts’. The game also contains various mini-games that allow for example to ride through the construction site or avoid incoming missiles.
Technical aspects
Rush Rally 2 is one of the best looking games on AND and iOS. The developers used their own Rush Engine that allows to create realistic car models and maintain sixty frames per second (only in case of stronger machines) and provides realistic physics.
Last updated on August 15, 2016
Rush Rally 2 Summary
Android OS May 20, 2016
Apple iOS May 18, 2016
Developer: Brownmonster Limited
Publisher: Brownmonster Limited
Age restrictions: none