The next installment of a series of logical games developed by Teyon Games studio in Krakow. Friendly robots are stuck in the labyrinth of a crazy scientist. The player must help them to get to the exit. The task is complicated by the fact that the robot's control mechanism has been damaged, which makes them all move at the same time.
Robot Rescue 3D Description
The Rescue 3D robot is the third installment of a series of logical games by the development team of Teyon Games studio. The production was created as a compilation of Robot Rescue and Robot Rescue 2, which was enriched with a set of additional boards adapted to the three-dimensional display of the console.
Like earlier games in the series, the Rescue 3D Robot has only a residual storyline. The title robots try to get out of the labyrinth of a crazy scientist, full of dangers and traps. The player must help them to defeat the next boards. However, this is not easy due to a defective robot control transmitter....
The game offers a total of more than 120 levels, of which only 20 are completely new boards. The mechanics of the game has not undergone any major modifications. The player's task is to safely carry out multi-colour robots to the corresponding colour of the outputs. The main difficulty is that the robots move synchronously. This requires the use of various obstacles (walls, partitions, etc.) and special objects on the board (teleporters, paint stains and others).
The compiler developers were tempted to make a few changes. First of all, the visuals of Robot Rescue and Robot Rescue 2 have been remastered, which allowed to make much more use of the technical capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS console. Another novelty is the golden keys, i.e. a help system that allows you to skip too difficult boards.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015