Road Runner is a simple arcade game by Mindscape, whose story is based entirely on the popular series of cartoons with Strus Pedziwiatrem (Road Runner) and Kojotem (Wille E. Coyote) in the leading roles. The latter would like to eat the bird for breakfast - the only problem is that he would have to catch it first....
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Road Runner Description
Road Runner is a simple arcade game by Mindscape, whose story is based entirely on the popular series of cartoons with Road Runner and Wille E. Coyote in the leading roles. The latter would like to eat the bird for breakfast - the only problem is that he would have to catch it first....
The program will allow you to stand on only one side of the barricade and play the role of Road Runner. The player's task is to steer on the board in such a way as to eat as many seeds as possible and effectively break away from the chase of Coyote . Of course, it's not that simple, mainly because the hunter is a very ingenious creature and uses various ACME gadgets during the action. These may include rockets that allow Coyote to fly, a spring that allows him to move faster with jumps, or a magnet that is placed in the seeds, which will slow you down significantly. In addition, other obstacles may appear during the game, e.g. lorries, which ram everything they encounter on their way.
Road Runner has a supply of additional "live", shrinking every time Coyote comes across his victim. The game was divided into successive stages, at the end of which a summary is made. Additional points can be obtained for collecting all the seeds and skillfully getting rid of Coyote (e.g. directing him to the wheels of a truck). Although Road Runner does not impress in terms of audiovisual setting, it turns out to be a nice proposition for fans of classic arcade games. A little trouble can be caused by control, especially unclear behavior of Road Runner at the edges of the road (it is liked to get jammed sometimes).
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Road Runner Summary
PC / Windows