


Release Date: February 29, 1996

Adventure, cyberpunk, detective, full motion video, singleplayer

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A point-and-click adventure prepared in the form of an interactive film. We play the role of a reporter on the trail of a serial murderer of women called the Ripper. We explore the dark, cybernetic New York by talking to people we meet and solving puzzles. Famous actors, headed by Christopher Walken, played the roles of the protagonists.

Ripper is a classic FMV adventure, in other words an interactive film reminiscent of such titles as Phantasmagoria, Tex Murphy or Black Dahlia. We observe the action from the eyes of the main character and move between strictly defined points. Looking at the sides we look for objects with which we can interact and we talk to other characters played by real actors.

The action of Ripper takes place in New York in 2040. The huge metropolis is a witness to a series of brutal murders of young women. Due to the nature of the crimes committed, the psychopath receives the nickname Ripper, which is a reference to the legend about Kuba Ripper. We play the role of Jake Quinlan, who works as a reporter for Virtual Herald, a newspaper that receives news from a murderer with a detailed description of torture. As a result, the main character decides, together with police investigator Vincent Magnotta, to discover the real identity of the criminal and to thwart him.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015