Racing Gears Advance

Racing Gears Advance


Release Date: December 17, 2004

Racing, splitscreen, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer

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"Racing Gears Advance" belongs to the genre of arcade racing games, the action of which is shown in isometric projection. The above mentioned position is the responsibility of gentlemen from a young company Orbital Media, which creates games for the owners of Nintendo GameBoy Advance console.

"Racing Gears Advance" belongs to the genre of arcade racing games, the action of which is shown in isometric projection. The above mentioned position is the responsibility of gentlemen from a young company Orbital Media, which creates games for the owners of Nintendo GameBoy Advance console.

"Racing Gears Advance" is a remarkable position that treats only seemingly ordinary races. We have twelve licensed vehicles at our disposal, each of which has a specific driver assigned to it. Each of the cars differs significantly from each other (e.g. weight, maximum speed and ability to move around a specific area), which translates into the results achieved on the route and the way of overcoming obstacles invented by the authors of Orbital Media. Heavy, massive and, as it were described, strong cars are doing well in terrain rich in typically gravel sections, while those fast, light and not very powerful in the "physical" sense almost fly away if only their wheels meet a piece of asphalt. The creators have prepared for us 25 demanding routes located in extremely different places (e.g. around an active volcano, a beautiful forest or a typical sports track). Practically all routes offer changing weather conditions, which in a noticeable way translates into the driving characteristics of our beasts. In addition to the changing weather, we will also find numerous shortcuts to help us get to the finish line as quickly as possible. Pay close attention to the natural obstacles around the track, such as lava, cliffs, trees, rocks, etc.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Racing Gears Advance Summary

Racing Gears Advance System Requirements

Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance