Pokemon Ultra Sun

Pokemon Ultra Sun


Release Date: November 17, 2017

RPG, TPP, science fiction, turn-based, Pokemon, co-op, jRPG, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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Pokemon Ultra Sun is yet another installment of the popular RPG series developed by Game Freak for Nintendo handheld consoles. It was released along with Pokemon Ultra Moon as the improved versions of the 7th generation handheld consoles launch titles, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. Once again, we play as a novice Pokemon trainer who desires to become the very best trainer in the world.

Pokemon Ultra Sun for 3DS is another installment of the popular RPG series from Game Freak. It was released along with Pokemon Ultra Moon as the improved versions of the 7th generation handheld consoles launch titles, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.


Pokemon Ultra Sun for 3DS takes place in the same universe as the series’ previous installment. We will once again explore the Aloa archipelago as a novice pokemon trainer who desires to become the very best trainer in the world. Pokemon Ultra Sun has a slightly different story than its predecessor and is closer to being a sequel like Pokemon Black 2 than a new version the game like Pokemon Yellow or Pokemon Platinum.

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Last updated on July 3, 2017

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in Pokemon Game Series

Game Series

Pokemon Series

The bestselling jRPG game series, which is one of the most important brands in the Nintendo Group's publishing portfolio. Development studios Game Freak and Creatures Inc. are working on the development of the series.

45 video games

Pokemon Game Series

Pokemon Ultra Sun Summary


Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS

Developer: Game Freak

Publisher: Nintendo

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