Pokemon SoulSilver

Pokemon SoulSilver


Release Date: September 12, 2009

RPG, science fiction, turn-based, 2D, Pokemon, co-op, jRPG, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer

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Pokémon SoulSilver is a remake of Pokémon Silver, released in 1999 on a portable Game Boy console. The new version of the game takes advantage of the graphical and audio capabilities offered by DS, as well as the touch screen.

Pokémon™ HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version return players to the scenic Johto region first introduced in the beloved original Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver games nearly a decade ago. The richly detailed adventure of Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver is now enhanced for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi systems with updated graphics and sound, as well as new touch-screen features and a host of surprises. Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version bring dozens of Pokémon characters back into the limelight for a new Pokémon generation - and longtime fans - to catch, train and battle.

Last updated on August 14, 2015



in Pokemon Game Series

Game Series

Pokemon Series

The bestselling jRPG game series, which is one of the most important brands in the Nintendo Group's publishing portfolio. Development studios Game Freak and Creatures Inc. are working on the development of the series.

45 video games

Pokemon Game Series

Pokemon SoulSilver Summary


Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS

Developer: Game Freak

Publisher: Nintendo