Pokemon Shining Pearl
Release Date: November 19, 2021
RPG, turn-based, Pokemon, remaster/remake, co-op, jRPG, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN
Pokemon Pearl remake, developed by ILCA studio. In Pokemon Shining Pearl we travel through the land of Sinnoh as Pokemon trainer. Compared to the original, the game stands out mainly due to the completely refreshed graphics.
18×16 svgPokemon Shining Pearl is a full-scale remake of the RPG titled Pokemon Pearl, released in 2007 for the Nintendo DS console. The game, which was created specifically for the Nintendo Switch platform, was developed by the ILCA studio. The game debuted alongside Pokemon Brilliant Diamond.
Pokemon Shining Pearl takes us on a journey to the island of Sinnoh, inspired by Hokkaido island in Japan. During the game, we take on the role of a newly minted trainer who dreams of becoming a Pokemon League champion. Not only does he or she travel, catch Pokemons and gain valuable experience, but also faces the evil Team Galactic - a group planning to destroy the world and create their own on its ruins. The icing on the cake, however, is when the player catches a legendary Pokemon, which in this production is Palkia ( while in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is Dialga).
In Pokemon Shining Pearlwe observe the action from a top-down view. We start the game in the hero's hometown. The actual adventure begins at the moment when we get the first Poke Ball and Pokemon. Then there's nothing left for us but to set off on a long journey.
As we travel through Sinnoh, we primarily complete quests to move the story forward and a variety of side missions, as well as numerous battles with both wild Pokémon and other trainers. When we manage to defeat a wild Pokémon and we have a free Poke Ball in reserve, there's nothing stopping us from trying to catch it and use it in the next battles. It's not easy, however, as success is determined by the number of life points of the caught Pokémon and the strength of the Poke Ball you have. Also worth noting is the Poketch watch, which not only displays the date and time, but also monitors the health of our Pokémon, as well as having a built-in navigation, calculator and pedometer.
Fights take place in turn-based mode, in separate arenas, and their progress is presented from a variety of "cinematic" shots. Each Pokemon has its own strengths and weaknesses, so the key to success is to deploy a Pokemon with a natural advantage over another creature. In addition, you need to skilfully use the abilities of the monsters you own. By winning duels, our Pokémon gain experience points and advance to the next level; then their statistics increase, and so does their combat potential. In addition, most of them evolve into their higher form after exceeding a certain level.
In between tasks and duels we can spend time on the Pokemon Contests, in which our pets take part in various competitions. In the Visual Competition we dress up our Pokemon, trying to make it as beautiful as possible, in the Dance Competition we press certain buttons to the rhythm of music, and our Pokemon shows off its dancing skills, while in the Acting Competition our pets must perform complicated moves and tricks.
The biggest change over the original is the addition of the Grand Underground, a large underground realm where you can encounter free-running Pokémon and dig for treasure. The most dedicated fans will spend a few extra hours there to find rare creatures needed in upcoming battles.
Game modes
Pokemon Shining Pearl allows you to play in single player or multiplayer mode.
Technical aspects
Compared to the original, Pokemon Shining Pearl stands out due to its completely new graphics. The graphics is 3D and eye-catching with vivid colours and cartoon style.
Videos and Screens
[5:23] Pokemon Shining Pearl trailer #2
[1:10] Pokemon Shining Pearl trailer #1
in Pokemon Game Series
Game Series
Pokemon Series
The bestselling jRPG game series, which is one of the most important brands in the Nintendo Group's publishing portfolio. Development studios Game Freak and Creatures Inc. are working on the development of the series.
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