Pokemon Rumble Video Game Series
Pokemon Rumble Series Evolution
Pokemon Rumble World
Pokemon Rumble U

Pokemon Rumble World
April 8, 2015
A free-to-play game in the Pokemon Rumble series, released for Nintendo 3DS handheld. Pokemon Rumble World is set in a realm of toys, where the players are invited to catch as many Pokemon as they can. The game world is divided into various locations which you visit one by one. After getting to a new region you must first challenge a wild Pokemon and then you are taken to a special arena, where you have a chance of making the Pokemon your ally. Pokemon Rumble World features arcade gameplay, but the character’s statistics are also very important. As you progress in the adventure you climb up in the so-called Adventurer Rank, which opens up access to new locations, where you can catch stronger Pokemon. And there are a lot of them - more than 700 in total. The developers included all the creatures that appeared in the core games in the series (up to Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire). In Pokemon Rumble World players can meet Mii characters of other participants and help one another.

Pokemon Rumble U
April 24, 2013
The third game in the series Pokemon Rumble, allowing us to lead the battles of toy pokemons. The creators have put at the disposal of players 649 types of creatures, having various attacks, they have also foreseen the possibility of multiplayer gameplay on a single TV screen.

Super Pokemon Rumble
August 11, 2011
Three-dimensional action game in which we take control of toy beats going on a dangerous journey through the fantastic land inhabited by similar creatures. Toys, which while fighting gain experience, we can catch and join our team.