Pokemon Emerald

Pokemon Emerald


Release Date: April 30, 2005

RPG, science fiction, turn-based, 2D, Pokemon, classic RPG, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer

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Pokemon Emerald is the next installment of cRPG with an action set in the world of funny creatures called Pokemons. We play the role of a young boy who wants to remain the greatest trainer of Pokemons.

The Story Continues ...

Pokémon Emerald is storming onto Game Boy Advance with a vengeance. The third adventure to take place in the Hoenn region, Pokémon Emerald features all-new areas and exciting new plot twists.

The story begins when your character, a young aspiring Pokémon Trainer, moves to Littleroot Town. Crammed amid a truckload of boxes, our hero enters the foreign neighborhood eager to explore. Shortly into your journey a challenge arises and you must choose from three Pokémon -- Torchic, Mudkip or Treecko -- and begin a quest to become the world's best Pokémon Trainer.

Veterans of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire will recognize a lot of the locations in Pokémon Emerald, but many elements within the game have changed, the most exciting of which is the addition of the Battle Frontier. The locations and frequency of Pokémon are different, and you may even encounter a new Gym Leader in your journeys.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015



in Pokemon Game Series

Game Series

Pokemon Series

The bestselling jRPG game series, which is one of the most important brands in the Nintendo Group's publishing portfolio. Development studios Game Freak and Creatures Inc. are working on the development of the series.

45 video games

Pokemon Game Series

Pokemon Emerald Summary

Pokemon Emerald System Requirements

Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance

Supports: link-cable