Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire


Release Date: November 21, 2014

RPG, science fiction, turn-based, Pokemon, co-op, jRPG, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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The remastered edition of Pokemon Sapphire released in 2003 for Game Boy Advanced. The game has been enriched with multiple new elements implemented throughout the years. The entire experience delivers an entirely new 3D graphics engine designed for Pokemon X and Pokemon Y.

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire is a yet another installment in one of the most popular video game series in the history. Unlike Pokemon X and Pokemon Y published a year before, the game is not an entirely new title, but rather a remake of the classic Pokemon Ruby released in 2003 for Game Boy Advanced.


Pokemon Sapphire along with Pokemon Ruby were the first installments in the series to be available on this platform. They did not introduce any revolutionary solutions, but rather a number of small improvements to the formulaic gameplay model. Apart from the dozens of Pocket Monsters the player has to catch, they can also use the new pieces of equipment as well as pokeballs, participate in 2 vs. 2 fights, and compete in multiple competitions.

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Last updated on November 5, 2017


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in Pokemon Game Series

Game Series

Pokemon Series

The bestselling jRPG game series, which is one of the most important brands in the Nintendo Group's publishing portfolio. Development studios Game Freak and Creatures Inc. are working on the development of the series.

45 video games

Pokemon Game Series

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Summary


Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS

Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo