Planet of the Apes is an action game produced by Visiware studio, whose plot is based on the motifs of a film directed by Tim Burton. The player takes on the role of the pilot of a spacecraft, who is forced to land on an unknown planet in an emergency. Soon it turns out that it is ruled by monkeys and that people occupy the lower level of the evolutionary chain.
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Planet of the Apes Description
An action adventure game thematically referring to a series of well-known science fiction films about the Planet of the Apes, based on a novel by the French writer Pierre Boulle. The action is focused mainly on discovering new areas, fighting and solving riddles. The story takes us into a distant future, where the hero of the game, a pilot of an interstellar ship named Ulysses, is forced to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet. Soon it turns out that the planet is ruled by monkeys and that people occupy a lower position in the food chain.
In order to survive, we have to overcome many adversities and discover the mystery that the planet is hiding. There are 15 missions divided into 70 different sub-levels. The whole is made in a three-dimensional environment (intelligent mobile camera system). We will have to face, for example, huge bats or mutated rats. We can creep up on enemies, fight on the ground or with a variety of weapons.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Planet of the Apes Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Visiware
Publisher: Fox Interactive
Age restrictions: 12+
Planet of the Apes System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium III 450MHz, 64MB RAM, graphic card