Panzer Elite is an armoured vehicle simulator from the Second World War. Players have the opportunity to take on the role of tank commander and take part in several historic military operations in North Africa, Sicily and Normandy. Apart from the campaign mode, developers from the Wings Simulations studio have prepared several optional gameplay variants, including the survival - Instant Action.
Panzer Elite is a realistic simulator of armoured units participating in warfare during World War II. The campaign leads us through a series of battles between German and American troops in the region of North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Normandy. As a tank platoon commander we have to take care of the condition of our crew in battle, giving appropriate orders and directing their actions. Despite the need to accomplish the main goal of the mission, the most important task is to survive the turmoil of war and to protect from death as many of its soldiers as possible. During the campaign we receive important information about warfare on other fronts, which allows us to assess the general situation.
The action takes us to North Africa, where at the end of 1942 we take part in the operation Torch. In Sicily, German troops are again in reverse, but the mountainous terrain allows for a different tactical approach. For the first time in Italy, Americans receive large meals that allow them to confront the combined forces on the axis. At the end we were under heavy artillery fire on the beach in Normandy, where the most modern armoured equipment of that time was thrown into battle.
There are several game modes to choose from, of which the main one is the Campaign, based on historical events. We must carry out individual combat missions in a specific order. You can also choose a single scenario and fight on it. In Instant Action we are thrown on a random map and we have to stop countless opponents. The diversity of the terrain is not only a decoration, but it is of fundamental importance during fights. You can knock down trees or demolish the walls of buildings or use them to hide from the enemy. The maps are made on a scale of 2.5 meters per polygon, and the medium-sized board represents an area of about 5 square kilometers.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
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Panzer Elite Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Wings Simulations
Publisher: JoWooD Entertainment AG
Age restrictions: 12+
Panzer Elite System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium II 233MHz, 64MB RAM, graphic card