The sixth installment of the popular FPS series developed by MED-Art, a Russian developer studio. The players assume the role of Bill Sherman, a character from Painkiller: Resurrection. The protagonist fights bloody battles against hellish forces, using a rich and sophisticated arsenal in the process as well as the ability to transform into a demon after collecting a certain amount of souls.
Videos and Screens
[1:26] Painkiller: Recurring Evil trailer #1
Average score from 168 votes. 6 players anticipated the game.
Painkiller: Recurring Evil Description
Painkiller: Recurring Evil for PC is the sixth installment of the action-filled FPS series initiated in 2004 by People Can Fly, a Polish dev studio.
The story of Recurring Evil tells of Bill Sherman, the protagonist of 2009’s Painkiller: Resurrection, yet again. The action takes place in the purgatory, where we have to face the forces of darkness in a battle for our soul. The only way to win it is to wade through dangerous and uncharted areas that are filled with hellish creatures. Each of five new locations was designed from scratch by the Russian MED-Art studio and is characterized by great degree of variety. Combat takes place in gloomy abbey or a jungle-swallowed temple complex just to switch to an old warehouse or a destroyed highway full of abandoned car wreckages.
Painkiller: Recurring Evil for PC isn’t a full-fledged sequel but a standalone expansion that introduces 5 new maps, one new weapon, an original soundtrack, and obviously a new story. The gameplay mechanics remain unchanged – the player’s task is still to eliminate hordes of enemies and reach the end of a level in a single piece. Our job is made easier thanks to the protagonist’s ability to transform into a demon after he’s collected a certain amount of souls.
Technical aspects
Painkiller: Recurring Evil for PC was powered by the outdated PainEngine, the same engine that powered the original installment of the series. However, the graphics were slightly improved, mostly thanks to the increased texture resolution and more detailed models. Enhancements were also introduced in artificial intelligence. Enemies are incredibly numerous in the game – there are over 6 thousand of them, according to the developer. Painkiller: Recurring Evil is a production meant mainly for the fans of the series. The estimated time required to complete it is 5 hours.
Last updated on July 26, 2017
in Painkiller Game Series
Game Series
Painkiller Series
A series of first-person shooters (FPS) in the climate of bloody horror. The series was started by People Can Fly studio, and its development involved such development teams as Eggtooth, Mindware Studios, Med-Art and The Farm 51.
8 video games
Painkiller: Recurring Evil Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Med-Art
Publisher: THQ Nordic / Nordic Games
Age restrictions: 18+
Painkiller: Recurring Evil System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 4 3.2 GHz, 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM - Vista/7), graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 6600 or better), 3 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7