A narrative adventure game set in the world known from the novel The Wizard of Oz. Oz Adventures is divided into episodes, each set in a different era and featuring the adventures of different characters. The project was supervised by American McGee.
OZ: Adventures Description
Oz Adventures is a narrative adventure game set in the land known from the novel The Wizard of Oz by Lyman Frank Baum. The project was supervised by American McGee - an American video game designer, who gained worldwide recognition with the games American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns. He also co-created such titles as Doom II: Hell on Earth, Quake or Hexen: Beyond Heretic.
The game was divided into episodes showing the adventures of various characters in different eras. Like the Alice in Wonderland adventures of American McGee, Oz has a darker tone than the source material would suggest. The designer himself was inspired by tales of mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, and turned the land into a place where people from different eras end up against their will.
Interestingly, the game is only a part of the transmedia whole and is connected to the series under the same title.
OZ: Adventures Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Radar Pictures
Publisher: Radar Pictures
Age restrictions: 16+
American McGee Prepares New Game Based on Wizard of Oz
American McGee, creator of such titles as Alice: Madness Returns or Bad Day L.A., will create a game based on Wizard of Oz. The same project will include a TV series from Radar Pictures.
video games
Karol Laska
February 25, 2021