A narrative puzzle-adventure game referred to as „interactive fiction”, developed by the team of The Coding Monkeys, known so far mostly for the logic game Rules! and the mobile adaptations of popular board games Carcassonne and Lost Cities. Plot of One Button Travel revolves around mysterious scientific discovery, that may, in the near future, revolutionize the lives of all human beings.
Videos and Screens
[0:54] One Button Travel trailer
One Button Travel Description
One Button Travel is an abstract, narrative adventure game, also known as interactive fiction. The title, using similar solutions available in Simogo's games (DEVICE 6, The Sailor's Dream), was produced by The Coding Monkeys and released on iOS in a premium model. The German developer is known primarily for its mobile adaptations of Carcassonne and Lost Cities board games and the excellent logical game Rules!
The plot, which is the most important part of One Button Travel, focuses on a great scientific discovery that can change the life of every human being in a short time. As usual, however, in this type of cases, more and more mysteries surrounding the event appear - the main goal of the game is to solve them.
Doing that won't be easy - reaching the heart of the matter requires many difficult conversations and overcoming numerous obstacles in the form of abstract logical challenges. The mysterious horned beasts also play an important role in the game's plot.
Technical aspects
One Button Travel uses minimalistic graphics adequate to the character of the game. The gameplay is accompanied by an atmospheric soundtrack.
Last updated on January 16, 2019
One Button Travel Summary
Apple iOS
Developer: The Coding Monkeys
Publisher: The Coding Monkeys
Age restrictions: none