Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir

Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir

Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir


Release Date: January 14, 2016

RPG, fantasy, 2D, remaster/remake, experimental/artistic, action RPG, PlayStation exclusive, PS Plus Premium, PS Plus Extra, singleplayer

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A remastered version of the Japanese 2D action RPG - Odin Sphere - which was released in 2007 on the PlayStation 2 console. The story of the game takes place in a fantasy reality loosely based on the Richard Wagner's famous epic opera Der Ring des Nibelungen and focuses on the stories of five, seemingly unrelated characters.

Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir for PS4, PSV and PS3 is a remastered version of the 2D action RPG Odin Sphere released in year 2007. The game was previously available on PlayStation, but the Atlus Company, together with developers from Vanillaware studio, decided to refresh the renowned title. Leifdrasir offers not only upgraded graphics, but also improved gameplay, new enemies and bosses as well. The greatest fans of the original game can use the Classic mode which allows the game to be played according to old rules.


Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir for PS4, PSV and PS3 tells a story of five different characters – Gwendolyn, Cornelius, Mercedes, Oswald, and Velvet. Their fates are presented in the course of several stories found in a large book in a library. Their stories and adventures intertwine in interesting way. It might happen that, when controlling one of the characters, the player meets someone seemingly important, with whom he will talk shortly. Later it is revealed that the stranger was the main character of the next chapter of the fable. This allows you to know the same story from a different side. It is worth adding that the plot has a “theatrical” vibe.

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Last updated on December 13, 2015


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Videos and Screens

[1:41] Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir trailer #1

[1:41] Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir alchemy and cooking

Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir Summary

Game Series: Odin Sphere


PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4

PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita

PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3

Developer: Vanillaware

Publisher: Atlus

Age restrictions: none