Set in a dark, postapocalyptic reality, this survival horror game is characterized by numerous RPG elements. The program is based on an advanced Torque Shader Engine, created and licensed by GarageGames.
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Nuclear Nightmare: Rise of the Fallen Description
Nuclear Nightmare: Rise of the Fallen is a survival horror single-player game with RPG elements. We believe that combining RPG elements with a post-nuclear horror environment, strong game design, high polishing, and gameplay in 3rd person perspective will produce a great gaming experience.
Some of the RPG features included in the game are listed below along with additional major features. As each major component gets finished, its link will get activated leading to a page providing more info about it.
- Comprehensive Save/Load Functionality
- Drag and Drop Inventory System
- Locational Damage
- Player Attributes and Skills
- Journal with Quest Management
- In-Game Map
- Melee Combat Ability
- Dialogues
- Epic Story
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Nuclear Nightmare: Rise of the Fallen Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Element115 Entertainment
Age restrictions: 12+