Neocron is the first installment of the futuristic MMORPG series, which will be created under the responsibility of the Media Reakktor development studio. Players play the role of the inhabitants of the XXVII-century metropolis of Necrocon, full of dangers, but also opportunities to quickly get rich. The title is inspired, among others, by the Matrix cinema trilogy.
Videos and Screens
[1:59] Neocron Evolution 2.2
Neocron Description
You won't be meeting any quaint little dwarfs, elves, or unicorns in Neocron. You won't be forced to watch your character battle helplessly without taking action yourself. You will be spared aimless wandering and searching for parts of a quest. No one will say Won't you step this way, m'lady, - it'll be more like Open the stinkin' door, pea brain!
Neocron is different. It's more honest, more tough, and more straightforward. If you like first person shooters, you're going to love Neocron, because it provides a whole range of varied weaponry and direct battles. While there's a ceasefire in the city, you can set out to the vast wastelands to hunt monsters and mutants. You can participate in deathmatches in special arenas within the game without damaging the game characters and their skills or values. Clan friends will also be thrilled: You can establish a clan in your team's own apartment and communicate with its members via board and messaging systems, or trade materials, weapons and real estate to become a commercial tycoon.
In the 21st century, a disaster of apocalyptic proportions destroys human civilization. Only a handful of people manage to escape it. On a giant spaceship, they flee to a distant planet that promises to be paradise. But the poor, the forgotten, and those without scruples are left behind.
Coldnss and poverty reign on Earth for 700 years before humankind finally succeeds in creating a new civilization. Time has left its mark on the human race, and the circumstances of life have brought out certain skills: the ability to adapt, incredible physical strength and even supernatural powers.
Thus equipped, rivaling factions of survivors are now fighting over power and resources. The few towns that exist are polluted by crime, corruption and mistrust.
Form alliances with other players, plot and scheme, snoop and spy, and fight for power. Train your skills to gain wealth and influence, or choose to live the life of a recluse in the vast and adventurous wastelands in the middle of nowhere.
Within the city, you travel by subway. In the rambling wastelands, you are able to use various kinds of transport. Wield your self-made weapons in a first person perspective against monsters, mutants, and your fellow players. Battle in specially constructed arenas without suffering damage to your skills and values. Experience a world that is constantly changing and expanding.
Whatever you may choose to do: Prepare to enter a whole new life in a world that is both ancient and completely new - in Neocron!
* Epic real-time RPG (MMORPG) in sci-fi/ cyberpunk style
* Massive Multiplayer Online capability: thousands can play at the same time
* State-of-the-art 3D engine including mirror and special effects
* Players experience the game from a first- or third-person perspective
* Detailed, densely populated world that includes weather effects and day and night simulations
* Various districts and unexplored wastelands constitute more than 250 different maps
* An extensive tunnel system under the city
* 4 different classes of characters with varying skills serve as the basis for individual characters that can then be modified
* Countless design options via the character outfitter
* Each player has his/her own apartment
* More than 1000 different items to use
* A practically unlimited number of weapon systems created through combinations and extensions
* Fights against hundreds of different opponents
* NavRay System points the way to the right places, saving players from pointlessly long searches
* BoP (Balance of Power) engine lets players transform their actions into stock values for their factions and clans
* Game within a game: players can face each other in Deathmatch arenas without losing skills or energy in the actual game
* Easily comprehensible albeit complex skill system
* Different vehicles and means of transport, some of which can be used by more than one person at a time
* Players can trade stocks, objects, and real estate to become business tycoons
* Internal news and message system
* Ideal for playing in teams or alone
* Continual updates with new maps, models, items and missions
* Dynamic game world
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Neocron Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Reakktor Media
Publisher: cdv Software Entertainment AG
Age restrictions: 16+
Neocron System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium II 400MHz, 128MB RAM, graphic card
Game Expansions for Neocron
Neocron 2: Beyond Dome of York
October 9, 2004
The first, official extension to the 2002 MMORPG, entitled Neocron, with a mass of new features and improved graphics.