The 26th installment of the Need for Speed series, released after Unbound. The new game should retain the freedom of exploring an open world, as well as advanced car tuning options. It should also rely heavily on classic NfS titles - Underground and 2005 Most Wanted.
Need for Speed 26 Description
The sequel of Need for Speed Unbound, released at the end of 2022, has not yet been formally announced (and does not have a title), but semi-official information available online clearly indicates that it is in preparation. This will be the twenty-sixth installment of the series that began in 1994, created by Criterion Games studio, and published - traditionally - by Electronic Arts.
General gameplay
Although we don't have any confirmed information about this part of the series yet, certain features of it are more than likely. We will most likely get an open world again, a prominent part of which will be a large modern city. Cars should allow for extensive tuning options, especially visual ones, and feature an arcade driving model. We can count on an online module alongside the single-player gameplay mode. There is also a good chance that police chases will return.
Rumors about returning to the roots
The rest of the information about the game is in the realm of speculation. Rumors about what the twenty-sixth NFS will offer are largely based on the meeting of the creators with fans, which was supposed to take place in early 2024. The general outline of the conversation topics revealed by the latter shows that Criterion Games wants to create a game that will appeal to older fans of the series who are discouraged from its latest installments.
Changes to the driving model would help with this (e.g. departure from the drifting mechanics by pressing the brake), as well as having a greater range of music choices (breaking the dominance of hip-hop) or a more advanced car modification system. The most important points of reference for the developer are apparently games such as Underground and Most Wanted (from 2005).
in Need for Speed Game Series
Game Series
Need for Speed Series
One of the oldest and most popular racing game series in the history of the industry. Need for Speed is one of the most valuable brands in Electronic Arts' portfolio, with the US company's in-house development studios, such as EA Black Box, EA Gothenburg, and Criterion Games, usually responsible for its subsequent installments. The series started in 1994 with The Need for Speed, designed for fifth-generation consoles (3DO, PlayStation, Sega Saturn) and PC. The production was prepared by the team from EA Canada studio, created as a result of the acquisition of Distinctive Software (devs of Test Drive and Test Drive II).
29 video games
Need for Speed 26 Summary
PC / Windows
PlayStation 5
Xbox Series X/S
Developer: Criterion Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
Age restrictions: 12+
New Need for Speed Already in the Pipeline
The next installment in the Need for Speed series remains an unknown, but a job announcement posted by Criterion Games leads us to believe that a new game is already in development.
video games
Adam Celarek
July 24, 2023