MMOcRPG game from Microsoft Entertainment. The action of this production was located during the reign of the powerful Vikings, and players become spiritual forms of warriors, who fell in battle and now, shoulder to shoulder with the gods, face the Fiery Giants striving to exterminate the world.
Mythica is another, after two parts of Asheron's Call, MMOcRPG game from Microsoft Entertainment. The action of this production was located during the reign of the powerful Vikings, and the players become spiritual forms of warriors, who fell in battle and now, shoulder to shoulder with the gods, face the Fiery Giants striving to exterminate the world (mythical Ragnarok).
At the beginning of the game, as in all other cRPG titles, you have to create your character. The authors gave us twelve different classes of characters, including: Berserker, Pyromancer, StormWright and Huntress. The patron of each class is a different god (e.g. Thor is the patron saint of Berserkers), and thus each has different ways of development and characteristics (all classes of characters can use two of the four available types of energy, i.e. Physical, Magical, Order, Chaos).
During the game our hero will travel on several different plans of existence known from Nordic mythology. The adventure will begin in Asgard (a huge city which is the seat of gods), then we will reach the kingdoms inhabited by mortal beings, i.e. Midgard (People), Vanaheim (Elves) and Nidavellir (Dwarves), where by performing further combative actions or solving the problems of these lands, we will gain fame among the inhabitants, gain experience, develop and adopt new skills.
After reaching the appropriate level of advancement, and after completing the tasks described above, further three worlds will be opened, this time inhabited by immortal beings, i.e. Jotunheim (home of Ice Giants), Niflheim (the land of Air Giants) and the last Muspellheim (inhabited by Fire Giants) - it is here that we openly oppose the forces of the Giants that try to destroy the world. Regardless of our level of advancement, we can still visit Asgard, receive quests from patron gods, visit various guilds there, receive quests to complete, and so on.
- Approximately 3 thousand players within one server (shard).
- Hundreds of different types of objects, weapons, armour, etc.
- Possibility of merging players into groups, creating guilds and other organizations.
- Fight against both PvE monsters and live PvP players.
- The crafting system, i.e. performing a specific craft, e.g. forging armour.
- High-quality three-dimensional graphic engine, which was created with special attention to proportions and size differences between heroes and gigantic monsters.
- Individual lands with a width of 12-20 km and a length of 12-15 km.
- The game requires a monthly fee.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Videos and Screens
Mythica Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Xbox Game Studios / Microsoft Studios
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios / Microsoft Studios
Age restrictions: 12+