A mobile adventure game which adapts the popular television franchise Mr. Robot. The game was created by Night School (also responsible for Oxenfree) and published by Telltale Games by using premium distribution model (with no microtransactions). The main designer of Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n was Adam Hines, the screenwriter of Tales from the Borderlands.
Videos and Screens
[0:30] Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n launch trailer
Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n Description
Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n is a mobile adventure game released on AND and iOS and is an adaptation of a popular TV series. It is a premium game, therefore, it does not contain microtransactions. The game was developed by Studio Night School is known for Oxenfree and released by Telltale Games. The main designer was Adam Hines, who has written the scenario for Tales from the Borderlands.
As the title suggests, the game is based on Mr. Robot license, an American TV series that started airing from June 2015 on the USA Network channel. The action of the game takes place during the first season and contains many spoilers from its plot.
We do not play as a fictional character, but as ourselves. One day, while passing by the Fun Society slot machine showroom, located in the Coney Island game park, we find someone else's phone and decide to take it away.
By playing with the phone's settings, we quickly discover that the device belongs to a woman named Darlene, who is one of the main members of the revolutionary hacking group. Together with her partners, she is preparing to commit the greatest cybercrime in human history. To achieve this, however, she will need her phone and will not hesitate to destroy our lives to recover her property.
Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n, published on the AND and iOS platforms, is a very unusual adventure game. Our phone, after loading the application with the game begins to pretend to be a Darlene smartphone, with a separate interface, database, and services. We use it as if it was a normal mobile device, operating on the basis of an unknown system. We obtain information and communicate with virtual characters, making decisions that shape the further development of the plot. The campaign is very non-linear and our choices can lead to very different outcomes.
We have the opportunity to interact with many of the characters known from the series and all of them behave convincingly, and the plot, despite its flexibility, never contradicts the original TV series. The interface of Darlene's phone is convincing in its execution which strengthens the atmosphere.
Last updated on April 12, 2019
Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n Summary
Android OS
Apple iOS
Developer: Night School Studio
Publisher: Telltale Games
Age restrictions: 18+