Medal of Honor: Heroes

Medal of Honor: Heroes


Release Date: October 23, 2006

Action, FPP, World War II, shooters, PlayStation exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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Medal of Honor: Heroes is a FPS game from the famous Electronic Arts series, designed exclusively for the PlayStation Portable handheld console. The developers introduced us to the adventures of Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson, Sergeant John Baker and Lieutenant William Holt, which have never been presented before.

Medal of Honor: Heroes is an FPS released exclusively on PlayStation Portable. The developers presented us with adventures of Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson (known from Medal of Honor: Frontline) never presented so far, fighting with American soldiers in the Netherlands during Operation Market Garden. In addition, they allowed us to lead the sergeant John Baker (Medal of Honor: Allied Assault – Breakthrough) during the Allied invasion of the Apennine Peninsula. There is also the journey of Lieutenant William Holt (Medal of Honor: European Assault) hitting the Ardennes forests.

A total of 12 different locations (mountainous coast of Italy, snowy woods in Belgium, etc.) are available in the game. Not only are the single player missions embedded in these maps, but also 15 multiplayer scenarios. In the latter a maximum of 32 users can participate via the Internet (or up to 8 people via Wi-Fi connection). Multiplayer is organized in 6 different modes (Deathmatch, capture the flag, etc.), so no one should complain about the monotony. It is worth noting that in the single player campaign, you can unlock 20 characters, well-known to the enthusiasts of Medal of Honor series, and then use them in multiplayer.

Last updated on August 14, 2015

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in Medal of Honor Game Series

Game Series

Medal of Honor Series

A popular series of first-person shooters (FPS), allowing players to take on the roles of soldiers. The series, developed by Electronic Arts, is considered the protoplast of the competitive Call of Duty.

15 video games

Medal of Honor Game Series

Medal of Honor: Heroes Summary

Medal of Honor: Heroes System Requirements

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable

Supports: memory card 32 MB