Medal of Honor (1999)

Medal of Honor (1999)


Release Date: October 31, 1999

Action, FPP, World War II, tactics, FPS, shooters, splitscreen, multiplayer, singleplayer

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A cinematic FPP World War II shooter created by DreamWorks Interactive, co-founded by Steven Spielberg. In Medal of Honor, we play as former pilot Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson, recruited by the OSS. The action takes place in the final period of the war and our hero's task is to perform various tasks in such countries as France, Germany and Norway.

Medal of Honor is a FPP shooter set in World War II, created exclusively for PS1 console. DreamWorks Interactive, founded in 1995 by Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg as a joint venture of Microsoft and DreamWorks Pictures, is responsible for developing the game.


The story told in Medal of Honor was created in cooperation with the famous director and producer Steven Spielberg. We play the role of Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson - former pilot of the C-47 transporter, recruited by OSS (the direct predecessor of today's CIA). The action takes place in the final period of the World War II (mid-1944 to mid-1945), and the goal is to perform various tasks, such as destroying the position of the enemy while eliminating the soldiers who manned them.

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Last updated on February 11, 2020



in Medal of Honor Game Series

Game Series

Medal of Honor Series

A popular series of first-person shooters (FPS), allowing players to take on the roles of soldiers. The series, developed by Electronic Arts, is considered the protoplast of the competitive Call of Duty.

15 video games

Medal of Honor Game Series

Medal of Honor (1999) Summary


PlayStation 1

PlayStation 1

Age restrictions: 16+