Based on "The World is Not Enough" he plays with agent 007 in the lead role. This time James Bond faces a pair of demonic lovers - the heir to the oil empire Elektra King and terrorist Viktor Zokas.
Experience the excitement and intensity of the year's biggest blockbuster movie, through the eyes of 007. The 1st person perspective is rich in its highly detailed environments. Follow the plot through real-time 3-D cinematics and exciting clips from the movie.
Bond has saved the world countless times, and now you are 007. You are suave, sophisticated, resourceful and lethal as you carry out over 10 challenging movie based missions. Race through the streets of Istanbul. Ski the Caucasus Mountains. Engage in a gunfight aboard a Russian nuclear sub.
Equipped with an arsenal of Q-LAB gadgets and weapons including X-ray glasses, grappling hook watch, cufflink camera, and much more, you will employ stealth, espionage action and overwhelming fire-power in each demanding mission. Are you cool under pressure, deadly when necessary? Of course you are. You're Bond, James Bond.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
007 The World is Not Enough Summary
Game Series: James Bond 007
PlayStation 1
Developer: Black Ops
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
Age restrictions: 12+