Jaws: Ultimate Predator

Jaws: Ultimate Predator


Release Date: November 1, 2011

Action, movies, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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Action game, based on the classic film from over 30 years ago, allowing you to play the role of a ludojada shark. As a white shark we travel through the waters of several popular holiday resorts, among others, in Hawaii. Our task is to clash with animals entering our territory, from small fish to powerful ploughing or other sharks. There are also clashes with people.

The infamous Great White Shark returns to Amity Island once again to terrorize the peaceful coastal waters is this all new underwater action adventure game for the Nintendo 3DS. Players control JAWS, the massive 25-foot long, 5,000-pound predator to unleash gruesome carnage against armed civilians and deadly deep-sea bosses using powerful attack combinations. The new JAWS: Ultimate Predator delivers intense violence for a mature audience with a story-driven campaign and fast-paced challenges that will keep players hooked as they wreak deadly havoc at sea.


Enjoy a unique 3D experience with enhanced graphical capabilities presenting the scenery, civilians and JAWS in stunning three dimensions.

Set 35 years after the iconic movie from acclaimed director Steven Spielberg, JAWS: Ultimate Predator emulates the essence of the classic film and the terrorizing force of the infamous great white.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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Jaws: Ultimate Predator Summary


Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii

Developer: n-Space

Publisher: Majesco Entertainment