Home Alone (1991)

Home Alone (1991)


Release Date: July 3, 1991

Arcade, movies, singleplayer

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A platform game based on the plot of a film under the same title. We play the title role of Kevin McCallister - a little boy left at home by accident by his parents leaving for Christmas. Our task is to defend the house against insidious robberies. Our main weapon are ingenious traps.

Home Alone is a platformer like Capstone, based on the plot of the film under the same title. The main protagonist of the program is Kevin McCallister, who is accidentally missed during the confusion over his family's Christmas trip. The boy, who wakes up in the morning alone in a huge villa, does not know that for a long time the property has been observed by two tricksters who intend to break into it in the absence of the owners. Kevin has to face the thieves by preparing a set of fancy traps.

The action is divided into two stages. During the first of them, Kevin has exactly one hour to find the objects fighting here and there, and to prepare traps. They can be of various types, everything depends on what we currently have at hand. If you've watched a movie, you'll quickly find out where to place the traps, otherwise you'll have to try and make mistakes. At nine o'clock the thieves will enter the property. Since then, the second stage of the struggle begins. When running around the house, you will have to avoid coming into contact with the sprays and trigger further traps. For each successful attack you will receive a certain amount of points. The game ends when the trampled thieves resign from further combat.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Home Alone (1991) Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Manley & Associates, Inc.

Publisher: Capstone

Age restrictions: none