Japanese RPG prepared by Sting studio specializing in this genre. The story tells the story of a duo of very different characters - priestess Cecilia and knight Levant. The fights are fought in a turn-based system, focusing on the tactical side of the clashes. The story is enriched by intermittent scenes made in the anime convention.
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Hexyz Force Description
The plot of Hexyz Force focuses on the fate of two heroes: young priestess Cecilia and knight Levant. The story of the two characters complements each other, presenting a full picture of the world of Berge, which is in danger of extinction. The creators decided to present a story from two very different sides, so that each player could properly know the reasons for the fall of the once peaceful land. Each of the scenarios available in the game allows players to spend about 25 hours in the fairy-tale world. The story was completed with more than twenty minutes of anime inserts.
Exploration and the combat system itself do not go beyond the framework set by other titles of the genre. The fights are played in turn-based system, which allows players to plan the movements of the whole team and to arrange tactics in case of clashes with more difficult opponents. All the heroes of the game gain experience during their journey, which translates into their statistics and abilities. A unique feature of Hexyz Force are the so-called Power Points, thanks to which the team can improve their sacred weapons, increasing their combat capabilities.
A big advantage of the production is full 3D graphics. Berge is colorful, very diverse and rich in detail. Likewise, all the characters, portrayed in manga style during the dialogues, are well done. The reception of the position is improved by the atmospheric soundtrack, which combines melancholic melodies played during exploration with live tracks played during the clashes.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Hexyz Force Summary
PlayStation Portable