A three-dimensional action game set in futuristic climates. Humanity is attacked by an artificially created race that has slipped out of control. After the destruction of the largest pilots' school and its students, our shoulders are protected from strangers. We sit at the helm of a prototype spacecraft and start a struggle for survival.
Hellbender Description
Hellbender is a continuation of the game Fury3 released a year earlier. The action begins six years after the events presented in the predecessor and tells the story of the war between humanity and the Bion race. These beings were originally created in our laboratories by scientists, but in the course of research they slipped out of control and turned against man. Recently, they have managed to carry out a brutal attack on the main pilot school. All the most talented members of the profession were killed. As a retired ace, we become the last hope of mankind to defeat the forces of the enemy.
The world of the game can be seen from the cockpit perspective or from a camera suspended behind a controlled machine. A prototype spacecraft equipped with ten types of weapons, from a simple laser to advanced self-guiding rockets and powerful mines, is supposed to help us in the uneven fight against the Bion race. During the game, we visit eight planets with different climatic conditions. On each of them we have to perform about three tasks consisting usually in destroying enemy objects. The power-ups, which are located in hard to reach places, help us in combat. From time to time we have to solve the puzzle by finding the right button to open the gate. The state of the game is stored in designated checkpoints.
The environment in Hellbender is three-dimensional and consists of a small number of solids. Individual planets are maintained in different colors.
Last updated on June 21, 2020
Hellbender Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Terminal Reality
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios / Microsoft Studios
Age restrictions: none