Guns of Icarus Video Game Series
Guns of Icarus Series Evolution
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Guns of Icarus: Online

Guns of Icarus Alliance
March 31, 2017
A cooperation-based action game set in a post-apocalyptic steampunk world. The players assume the roles of crew members aboard combat airships and fight for survival during air battles. The creators of the game, the American studio Muse Games, had planned to release Alliance as a DLC expansion for their previous game - Guns of Icarus: Online. Over time however, Alliance became a full-fledged game which adds to the concept of its PvP-focused predecessor through implementing PvE contents, including cooperation-based missions and seasonal faction wars. In the co-op missions, the players assemble into 4-member crews comprising representatives of 3 classes: the Pilot, the Gunner, and the Engineer; then they complete various objectives and battle the AI-controlled airships of the enemy. Completing a mission affects the power of the faction the crew represents. One's faction fights other parties for domination over the world. On the world map, the factions fight seasonal wars - those are divided into two stages: the struggle for control over resources, and the actual wars fought by factions linked together into alliances by the developers. Great events and special achievements of particular players can become part of the game's story, which is being written by the creators.

Guns of Icarus: Online
October 29, 2012
Title dedicated to a multiplayer game, in which we control heavily armed airships. The action takes place in a postapocalyptic universe with strong elements of steampunk. The game is about fighting big air battles with other players. There is also a cooperation mode for exploring the world with friends.

Guns of Icarus
May 12, 2010
A steampunk action game with elements of "target sight" shooting and time management strategy. The player takes on the role of Lieutenant Gabriel, who travels a dangerous sky on board the Icarus airship. The title was produced by the Muse Games studio in New York.