Developed after a 12-year break, the continuation of the postapocalyptic Gorky series, created by domestic studio Metropolis Software House. The Farm 51 team, known for such titles as NecroVisioN, Painkiller: Hell & Damnation and Get Even, is responsible for reviving the series.
Gorky 21 Description
Gorky 21 is the next installment of the series, which in its last two editions turned into a sneaky, created on the model of the Splinter Cell cycle. In this case, the creators decided to return to their roots and offer us a well known from the original approach, which consists in combining the elements of turn-based strategy and RPG. Therefore, the most satisfied with this product should be the fans of the original.
The story takes place in a world devastated by nuclear war. Therefore, we visit postapocalyptic environments, using steampunk weapons and nanotechnological improvements during the game. The crafting system works very well, allowing us to improve the operation of our weapons and a lot of new possibilities of personalization of the main character. The virtual world is quite dark and depressing, which is emphasized by the fight against mutants, cybernetic commandos and much stronger bosses.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Gorky 21 Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: The Farm 51
Publisher: TopWare Interactive / Zuxxez
Age restrictions: none