Mathematical Adventure is an educational family game with elements of dynamic action, making communing with the proverbial queen of sciences a very pleasant and extremely simple process. The storyline layer depicts the adventures of a well-trained computer virus hunter, eliminating dangerous digital invaders by solving various tasks.
Gordi and the Math Invaders Description
3D action games to build math skills.
What happens when you mix math with fun? These challenging math action games combine the latest techniques enabling children to effectively learn math at their own pace while having fun.
Counting, grouping, arithmetic and all other essential concepts in the math curriculum are covered in this fun award-winning new title!
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Gordi and the Math Invaders Summary
PC / Windows
Gordi and the Math Invaders System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium II 266 MHz, 64 MB RAM