Gear.Club Unlimited

Gear.Club Unlimited


Release Date: November 21, 2017

Racing, cars, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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Another entry in the racing games series from Eden Games, the creators of the popular Test Drive Unlimited. Unlike the previous installments, which were released on PC and stationary consoles, Gear.Club Unlimited was designed for Nintendo Switch. As befits a car game, Gear.

Gear.Club Unlimited is another installment in a racing games series, developed by Eden Games, the authors of the Test Drive Unlimited franshise, which is popular on consoles and PC. Unlike the previous Gear.Club game, released on mobile devices, this title was designed with the view of Nintendo Switch.


Gameplay in Gear.Club Unlimited is not much different from what other racing games got us used to. As you play you take part in exciting races, in which you compete for the first places on diverse tracks while driving all sorts of fast cars. There are over 400 races in the game available in three varieties: Derby Mode, in which you race on asphalt roads with seven other drivers, Rally Mode, which puts you up against four participants racing on gravel roads, and Time Trial Mode, which is self-explanatory.

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Last updated on September 19, 2017

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