F-15 Strike Eagle II: Operation Desert Storm
F-15 Strike Eagle II Expansion Pack
Release Date: January 12, 1991
Operation Desert Storm is the first and only extension to the game F-15 Strike Eagle II - a fighter title flight simulator, which was introduced to the electronic entertainment market thanks to MicroProse.
Operation Desert Storm is the first and only extension to the game F-15 Strike Eagle II - a fighter title flight simulator, which was introduced to the electronic entertainment market thanks to MicroProse.
The most important change compared to the original are the new scenarios that allow to fly on the northern coast of the Soviet Union, in Central Europe and Japan. The previous arsenal has been supplemented by three other means of extermination: laser guided Paveway bombs, Rockeye II rockets and AGM-88 HARM-88 HARM air-to-ground missiles. The Operation Desert Storm also includes night flights and more varied mission objectives (e.g. bombardment of airports).
The add-on did not bring any changes in the visual setting (not counting the removal of minor errors appearing in the basic edition of the game), in contrast to the sound, which was significantly tuned for digitized samples. The Operation Desert Storm extension needs the full version of F-15 Strike Eagle II to work.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Videos and Screens
F-15 Strike Eagle II: Operation Desert Storm Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: MicroProse
Publisher: MicroProse
Age restrictions: none

Base Gamefor F-15 Strike Eagle II: Operation Desert Storm