The fourth installment of the popular series of racing games aimed at realism enthusiasts. We try to control the vehicle and beat our rivals on one of the six tracks available in the game, avoiding contact with police patrols and collisions with other traffic participants.
Test Drive 4 Description
Test Drive 4 is the fourth installment of the racing game, in which the greatest importance is attached to the realistic way of driving. As a result, players initially focus their attention on the best possible mastery of individual machines with different driving styles. Police patrols along the routes are an additional obstacle. Catching a player in the act of hot deed results in the loss of valuable seconds. The players have at their disposal several cars divided into two categories: modern (including Dodge Viper and Jaguar XJ220) and historical (including Plymouth Hemi Barracuda and Shelby Cobra).
We test our skills in six cities: Keswick, San Francisco, Bern, Munich, Kyoto and Washington. For each of these locations, the creators have prepared two routes, the second of which is initially unavailable, and in order to unlock it, it is necessary to win the first variant.
In the single player mode, a number of gameplay options have been prepared. The Challenge Cup is a type of championship in which the final victory is determined by the total driving time on all routes. In the Championship Cup we score points for the positions at the finish line and the competitor with the biggest pool in the final classification becomes the champion. In addition to these two modes, Test Drive 4 features the Pitbull Cup, Masters Cup and Drag Race. In the latter we race against one rival on a straight track, and the key to taking first place is the ability to change gears properly.
For lovers of competition with other players there is a multiplayer mode that allows you to fight a duel with your friends via LAN.
The visuals of the game Test Drive 4 presents a high level and supports 3D graphics accelerators. Each of the available locations is distinguished by a different style. In Bern, for example, we pass through mountain passes and tunnels, and in the United States, we pass through a built-up capital. The player can use several different camera settings at any time. The soundtrack consists of 28 tracks in techno climates.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
in Test Drive Game Series
Game Series
Test Drive Series
One of the oldest and most famous car game series in the history of the industry. The series was created by Distinctive Software studio, but over the years such development teams as Accolade, Eden Games, Pitbull Syndicate, Monster Games, Slightly Mad Studios and Kylotonn have also contributed to its development.
18 video games
Test Drive 4 Summary
PC / Windows November 24, 1997
PlayStation 1 November 3, 1997
Developer: Pitbull Syndicate
Publisher: Accolade
Age restrictions: none