Futurama is an adventure and arcade game based on the popular animated series of the same name, aired since 1999 and created by the fathers of the famous cartoon series The Simpsons. Developers will try to see on screen the characteristic cartoon graphics (three-dimensional environment and characters, made in goal-shading technology), experience many funny situations, etc.
Futurama Description
# Brand new game story and dialogue written by the Emmy Award winning writer J Stewart Burns.
# Design consultation by Matt Groening himself, the creator of Futurama and The Simpsons.
# New characters and locations never seen in the Futurama TV-series before and exclusive to the Futurama video game.
# Three playable characters each featuring unique in-game characteristics and controls.
# Two separate 'mini games' with unique gameplay styles.
# All in-game voice-overs are done by the actual voice talents from the Futurama TV-series.
# Custom made outline and toon-shading render engine that captures the visual look and feel of the Futurama TV-series.
# Easy and straightforward controls make the game easy to just pick up and play.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Futurama Summary
PlayStation 2
Developer: UDS
Publisher: Square Enix
Futurama System Requirements
PlayStation 2
Uses: memory card 8 MB