The second installment of the RPG series created by the independent Norwegian studio of SnowCastle Games. As in the previous part of the series, the title has colourful, cartoony graphics, and allows us to take control over a team of heroes who are journeying through a fantasy land.
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Earthlock 2 Description
Earthlock 2 is the continuation of the warmly welcomed RPG game from 2016. It has been developed by the authors of the original - the independent Norwegian studio of SnowCastle Games. Over the course of the game, we get to travel to a fantasy land, directing the actions of a team of heroes, who visit different locations, perform tasks commissioned by the inhabitants, and clash against numerous adversaries, gradually increasing their combat potential. Just like in the first part of the series, the title's graphics are characterized by a colorful, cartoony design.
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Last updated on February 23, 2019
Earthlock 2 Summary
Game Series: Earthlock
PC / Windows
PlayStation 5
Xbox Series X/S
Developer: Snowcastle Games
Publisher: Snowcastle Games
Age restrictions: 12+
Earthlock 2 System Requirements
PC / Windows
Minimum: Intel Core i5-3470 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 8 GB RAM, graphic card 3 GB GeForce GTX 1050 / 4 GB Radeon RX 560 or better, Windows 10