A downloadable content for Dragon Age II, the second installment of the popular fantasy RPG series created by BioWare. Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin introduces a new character that can join our party—an elven assassin named Tallis who is modeled after and voiced by Felicia Day. With her appearance, the player has an opportunity to take part in a new adventure that focuses on a magic relict called the Heart of the Many.
Videos and Screens
[1:03] Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin trailer #1 (PL)
Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin Description
Mark of the Assassin is a expansion of the role-playing game Dragon Age II created by the famous BioWare studio for PC, X360 and PS3. The biggest new feature introduced by the add-on is an elven assassin named Tallis who uses a unique combat system. After she joins the team led by Hawke, we can take part in a new and intriguing adventure.
The action of the expansion focuses on a magic item called the Heart of the Many. The task is to get this precious relic. But this is not all that easy, because all indications are that it was hidden in an Orlesian baron’s estate wihch is located underneath the city of Kirkwall known from the basic version of the game. Along the way, unprecedented types of enemies and other hazards await the player, therefore, the extension also provides new weapons and armor.
Tallis was modeled on and voiced by an American actress, Felicia Day.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin Summary
PC / Windows
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM (4 GB RAM - Vista/7), graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 8800GTS or better), 7 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7
Base Gamefor Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin