A third-person action game created by Valhalla Game studio and Tomonobu Itagaki, featuring both guns and melee weapons. The story takes place in a not so distant future in USA, where the Kessler effect - a situation in which accumulation of space trash becomes so big that two objects colliding cause a domino effect - becomes a fact.
Videos and Screens
[1:52] Devil's Third E3 2014 - trailer
[0:56] Devil's Third trailer #1
Devil's Third Description
Devil’s Third is a TPP action game with heavy focus on the exchange of gunfire and melee combat; the production has been developed by Tomonobu Itagaki, the head designer of the Dead or Alive series and Ninja Gaiden.
The action takes place in the near future in the United States of America. The storyline revolves around the realization of the Kessler Syndrome – the accumulation of trash in space just outside of Earth’s atmosphere reaches a critical point, where the collision of two bodies can cause an unstoppable cascade reaction; each following collision causes an increase in the number of objects, which, in return, makes future collisions more likely – ultimately, Earth’s orbit becomes completely inaccessible for humans, with high-velocity shrapnel tearing any spacecraft to shreds.
As a direct result, the balance of forces on Earth undergoes a huge rearrangement, the operating capabilities of the world’s largest armies is greatly limited and due to massive interference electronic devices struggle to work properly, resulting in air transport being nigh impossible; in this new reality the importance of infantry and high-skilled warriors rises greatly, and it is one of the latter which we will have the opportunity to control in Devil’s Third.
The players can play as one of the two available characters, the gameplay is conducted similarly to most TPP shooters; however, it has been enhanced with a very advanced melee combat system, which allows you to use a gigantic arsenal of side arms and perform superhuman acrobatics. Interestingly, these powerful skills are available not just to our heroes but also to all of the enemies.
Devil’s Third offers a single player campaign mode, as well as a fully-fledged multiplayer. The graphics are a mix of typical American action game visuals and quintessential Japanese character models. The game features a very high level of brutality, which also has its influence on the graphic style; our enemies can be dismembered in a very spectacular fashion and fountains of blood gush from wounds during combat.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Devil's Third Summary
Nintendo Wii U August 4, 2015
PlayStation 3 cancelled
Xbox 360 cancelled
Developer: Valhalla Game Studios