Damnview: Built from Nothing
Release Date: March 2025
Strategy, 2D, adventure elements, top-down, life sim, indie games, modern times, singleplayer
Unusual production with the open world, which is a two-dimensional simulator of.... a citizen of the city. Our task is to survive in an unfriendly, capitalist environment. Instead of fighting, the title offers, for example, the possibility of running a taxi or working in a shop. Elections and friendships are of great importance.
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Damnview: Built from Nothing Description
Damnview: Built from Nothing is a two-dimensional open-world simulator, in which we have the opportunity to become a representative of a community divided into several classes. This unusual production tells a depressing story and lets you take a closer look at the dark side of capitalism. It was created by Brainwash Gang studio and published by Sindiecate Arts.
Damnview: Built from Nothing is an unusual sandbox, in which we try to survive in an unfriendly, urban environment, where compassion and kindness can often cause problems for us. The main goal of the game is to gain money and improve the living conditions of our hero. Instead of fighting, killing enemies and gaining treasure, the game requires us to.... work. There are several different positions available, such as a taxi driver or a salesman in a movie store. If you are interested in a quicker profit, you can choose to become a criminal - for example by selling drugs in a dark alley or by smuggling various types of goods.
Relations with other characters also play a key role in Brainwash Gang's production. We build them gradually, taking decisions that influence the further course of the game. Importantly, many of the characters we come across have their own stories, motivations and goals, which may not always coincide with ours.
Game modes
Damnview: Built from Nothing features single player mode only.
Technical aspects
Damnview: Built from Nothing features interesting retro visuals. Attention is drawn to the subdued, gloomy palette of colors, well harmonized with the harsh climate of the game. The character models are interesting, as all of them are anthropomorphic animals.
Last updated on February 20, 2020
Damnview: Built from Nothing Summary
PC / Windows
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Developer: Brainwash Gang
Publisher: Brainwash Gang
Age restrictions: 16+