Chaos Reborn: Adventures

Chaos Reborn: Adventures


Release Date: September 12, 2018

Strategy, fantasy, turn-based, card games, multiplayer, singleplayer, hot seat, internet, LAN

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A mobile port of the turn-based strategy game Chaos Reborn from 2015, which allows the players to play as magicians fighting for influence and power. The production was designed by Julian Gallop, the creator of the X-COM series.

Chaos Reborn: Adventures is a turn-based strategy that is set in a typical fantasy world. The title is a mobile conversion of the 2015 Chaos Reborn and allows players to control mages fighting for influence and power. Snapshot Games (founded by Julian Gollop, the creator of the X-COM series) and Big Blue Bubble are responsible for creating this production.


Chaos Reborn: Adventures combines turn-based strategy with card game elements. Players control their units by moving them on a hexagonal map. Main premise of the game is to eliminate the enemy sorcerer (or sorcerers, because you don't always fight with just one enemy). All available units in the game (and what special abilities they can use) are determined by the cards in your collection, as well as mana which is always lacking, so it is necessary to make difficult, strategic choices.

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Videos and Screens

[0:29] Chaos Reborn: Adventures launch trailer

Chaos Reborn: Adventures Summary

Game Series: Chaos Reborn


Android OS

Android OS

Apple iOS

Apple iOS

Developer: Snapshot Games Inc.

Publisher: Big Blue Bubble

Age restrictions: 12+