Conversion of the classic role-playing game, which in 1993 was released on the SNES console. Noteworthy are the exceptionally long gameplay time, as well as a very well thought-out system of character development and fighting.
Breath of Fire Description
Breath of Fire is one of the first RPG games released on GameBoy Advance console and a full conversion of the product, which in 1993 was released on the famous SNES. It is also worth mentioning that this is a very faithful conversion. So don't expect any revolution in graphics, which, even with the capabilities of a portable console, may seem quite poor. Events are observed mainly in isometric projection. This applies to both the fights and the conventionally presented exploration of the game world. Breath of Fire was created, of course, only with a single player in mind. This title does not contain any network modes.
During the game we have the opportunity to play Ryu, a member of the clan called Light Dragon. Initially, the plot does not play an important role, but with time it begins to gain in importance. Nevertheless, in comparison with the most interesting role-playing games it is quite pale. Despite the fact that we start the game alone, other warriors can join the character controlled by us. In total, a team of up to eight people can be created, with only four warriors taking part in the clashes. Selection of fighting characters in some cases (clashes with bosses) is quite important. The same applies to their interactions. These characters also have additional abilities, used outside the battlefield. For example, an individual named Ox can destroy some obstacles to unlock seemingly inaccessible locations.
The activities are carried out on a huge map of the world, which, of course, can be explored thoroughly. The singleleplayer campaign prepared by the producers is enough for at least several dozen hours of fun. This time can be further extended by entering into voluntary orders or by choosing mini-games, such as fishing. Individuals play a very important role here. The battles are fought in turn-based system. As the game progresses, the controlled characters gain experience and new items, thanks to which they become stronger. In addition to the standard enemies, from time to time you bump into much stronger bosses. The game is relatively difficult. Mastering its foundations also takes quite a long time.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Breath of Fire Summary
Game Series: Breath of Fire
Game Boy Advance