Sequel popular RPG game, Betrayal at Krondor. Once a strong and thriving settlement, the Antarctic Empire embraces chaos. The player takes control of one of the four prepared characters and is thrown into the whirlwind of political intrigues, secret deals and battles between the races inhabiting the Empire.
Betrayal in Antara Description
Betrayal in Antara is a sequel to the popular cRPG, Betrayal at Krondor. Empire of Antara, once comprised of powerful and quickly developing settlements, is now in chaos. You can see crime and corruption everywhere you look. The players assume the role of one of the four pre-created characters and is cast into the vortex of political intrigue, secret schemes and battles between the races inhabiting the Empire.
The game world is observed from either first- or third-person perspective. Our character is described with a number of different attributes. By advancing to higher experience levels, we gain access to new magic spells. It happens that some of them are available at the very beginning of the game, but in the inexperienced hands, those can cause more harm than good. It takes a seasoned adept of magic to cast complicated spells safely (for himself).
The combat system is turn-based. We have to make sure that we have a weapon and other parts of equipment at the ready as quickly as possible. Much like in the case of magic, it is necessary to master the art of using different kinds of arms, which in time lets us defeat even numerous groups of foes.
The game is one of the first cRPGs powered by a 3D engine. The engine of Betrayal in Antara offers a maximum display resolution of 640x480, generating cities that teem with life, forests, plains and ancient catacombs at the same time.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Betrayal in Antara Summary
PC / Windows
Betrayal in Antara System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 133MHz, 32MB RAM, 2MB graphic card