Belief & Betrayal
Release Date: February 23, 2007
Belief & Betrayal Studio Artematica is a classic point-and-click adventure. We see the protagonist working in a three-dimensional environment from the perspective of a third person.
Belief & Betrayal Studio Artematica is a classic point-and-click adventure. The protagonist, who works in a partially three-dimensional environment, is viewed from the perspective of a third person. A very strong point of the title is the dark, intriguing plot, touching on the subject of faith and the Church.
We play the role of journalist Jonathan Danter. One gloomy, November day, our hero, preparing for an interview with a cardinal, answers a phone call from London. The interlocutor, Scotland Yard's detective, tells Jonathan of the tragic death of his uncle, who was found to be stabbed. The news is as shocking as it is incomprehensible - the journalist was convinced that his uncle had been dead for ten years! Without thinking long, Jonathan boarded a plane and went to England to clarify the matter.
In this way, a series of incredible events begins, which will lead our hero to discover a conspiracy that goes back two thousand years to the beginnings of Christianity. Jonathan is forced not only to fight for his life, but also to find answers to a number of questions. Was his uncle a secret agent of the Vatican? What is the role of a ruthless, secret association whose roots go back to the day Judas accepted thirty pieces of silver for betrayal of Jesus? What is the legendary relict that nobody speaks about loudly?
The trail leads from London, through Khartres, Venice and Rome, to the mysterious castle in the south of Italy. While conducting an investigation, we visit a medieval church, a huge estate, gloomy castle chambers, underground dungeons, a library that holds books that should be destroyed by the Inquisition and even a Vatican museum. Luckily, Jonathan is not only dependent on himself, but at some point his friends will join him, including the beautiful Katrin, which will often turn out to be helpful.
As befits an adventure, in Belief & Betrayal there is no shortage of opportunities to move your head, we find many items that are needed at the right time. What's more, finds are not only used to connect them together. They often have to be handed over to other characters. A personal diary and a special notepad, in which the hero writes down his observations, help to solve the riddles.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Videos and Screens
[0:58] Belief & Betrayal #2
[2:06] Belief & Betrayal #1
Belief & Betrayal Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Artematica Entertainment
Publisher: dtp AG / Anaconda